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Writer's picture: Alberto CeldaAlberto Celda

The percentage of body fat is the important figure that we must know if we want to lose weight, or simply to know in what state of form we are.

The evaluation of body composition is an essential element to determine the health of people.


Here is a sample of how important fat percentages are

If we know how to maintain our muscle mass and lose body fat, through:

  • Strength training

  • A good adapted nutrition plan

  • Good rest and habits

We can reduce our body fat without losing our muscle mass and strength

The weight that shows the SCALE shouldn't be our first priority, better to focus on reducing our BODY FAT.


One of the myths that many clients have asked me is how to LOSE TARGET FAT.

This may be a myth but if what you want is to have a more tone body then you have to work on a caloric deficit.

If the body is not having enough calories to keep moving, then it will use the stored fat to keep functioning.

And not only can this be achieved with CARDIO, but also with STRENGHT exercises.

In summary:

So for a beautiful, strong, healthy body while having a low PERCENTAGE OF BODY FAT.

These factors must be taken into account: Strength Training, Cardio, Caloric Deficit and a good Rest.


Do not forget that you can ask me at any time or give me a comment for any questions you may have.

For more information, follow me on my social networks and check out my other videos.

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